Wednesday 21 September 2016

Ethanolamine Oleate

In the US, Ethanolamine Oleate (ethanolamine oleate systemic) is a member of the drug class sclerosing agents and is used to treat Esophageal Varices.

US matches:

  • Ethanolamine oleate

UK matches:

  • Ethanolamine Oleate Injection BP (UCB Pharma Ltd) (SPC)

Ingredient matches for Ethanolamine Oleate

Monoethanolamine Oleate

Ethanolamine Oleate (USAN) is also known as Monoethanolamine Oleate (Rec.INN)

International Drug Name Search


Rec.INNRecommended International Nonproprietary Name (World Health Organization)
SPC Summary of Product Characteristics (UK)
USANUnited States Adopted Name

Click for further information on drug naming conventions and International Nonproprietary Names.

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